It's been a
very long time since I last posted on here, far, far too long. Ever since being back in Bangkok, things have been a bit of a mess. First of all, a family member has been recently diagnosed with Liver Cancer, and so that has been very traumatizing and stressful. It was a complete shock to everyone because it came so unexpectedly, and symptoms didn't show until very recently. After several trips to the doctor, we received news that they are able to operate the tumors and we were ecstatic.
In other news, my Dad has recently come to the conclusion that he completely does not support my design to pursue a degree in Fashion Journalism in London. He hates the idea that I'm not studying in the US anymore, and that Fashion Journalism is useless. He yells at me every time he hears me talk about how excited I am about going. He thinks it's too expensive just because it's the United Kingdom and would prefer me staying in the US, and that I have to start thinking about his retirement money as well. I mean I am willing to talk with him but every time we do we end up having a very heated argument that leads to nowhere. I'm already nervous about moving to London since it is an expensive city, I'm aware of that, but going to LCF was part of my plan after FIDM and he pretends he wasn't aware of it, but I've told him many, many times. I wish he would understand that I'm scared too. Moving to a new place, with new people, culture, environment. On the other hand my mom supports me entirely, which I really appreciate.
Aside from all the issues, I've been meeting up with high school friends which has been really lovely. I just got back from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as well. I really love that city.
His new T-Shirt... says it all really. ;)
Going for the Androgynous look at the airport (ignore the horrible face)
Super cute dress I bought in Malaysia!
So I hope all is well for everyone this Summer. I can't believe how fast the time is flying.